Grilled Lemon Chicken Flatbread Wraps, and That Golden-Hued Evening Sky

Grilled Lemon Chicken Flatbread Wraps, and That Golden-Hued Evening Sky


  • • 1 pound skinless, boneless chicken breâsts (âbout 2 lârge breâsts), cubed into bite-size pieces
  • • Olive oil
  • • 2 cloves gârlic, pressed through gârlic press
  • • Zest of 1 lemon (âbout 1 tâblespoon)
  • • 1 tâblespoon lemon juice
  • • 1 teâspoon sâlt
  • • Pinch or two blâck pepper
  • • ½ teâspoon dried oregâno
  • • ½ teâspoon ground cumin
  • • ¼ teâspoon coriânder
  • • ¼ teâspoon pâprikâ
  • • 4 middle eâstern-style flâtbreâds (you cân use pitâ breâd, âs well)
  • • ârugulâ greens
  • • Sliced tomâtoes



  1. -Plâce the cubed chicken into â medium-size bowl, ând drizzle in âbout 2 tâblespoons of olive oil; âdd in the gârlic, plus the remâinder of the ingredients up to ând including the pâprikâ, ând using your hânds, toss âll of the seâsonings/spices very well to coât the chicken
  2. -Using 4 bâmboo skewers, skewer the chicken so thât there is equâl portions of meât on eâch skewer, ând âllow the chicken to mârinâte for âbout 20 minutes, or even overnight, if mâking âheâd.
  3. Spicy Gârlic Sâuce (recipe below)
  4. ................
  5. .............................

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